CF Research Translation Center and Research Development Program
Seattle Children’s Research Institute
University of Washington
2001 8th Avenue Suite 500,
Seattle WA 98121

Administrative Core Services


Specific Aims

The Administrative core, directed by Drs. Bonnie Ramsey and Pradeep Singh, is responsible for overall management and oversight of the UW CFRTC. The core will ensure that the CFRTC will continue to lead translational Cystic Fibrosis related research at the University of Washington and its affiliated institutions and remain internationally recognized in this field. This overall goal will be achieved through the following specific aims.

1. Provide leadership in setting overall direction for the UW CFRTC.

  1. Work closely with Biomedical Core Directors to set priorities for research services and expertise provided to UW CFRTC members and users
  2. Ensure that Biomedical Cores are evolving and responsive to changes in technologies and CF research advances worldwide.
  3. Ensure that the Pilot and Feasibility program is engaging promising new and established investigators who are asking novel and relevant questions
  4. Emphasize and encourage CF research in the areas most relevant to NIDDK, i.e., digestive, metabolic and renal aspects of CF.
  5. Work closely with the Internal and External Advisory Boards to optimally utilize their scientific  knowledge and strategic vision to enhance the overall direction of the UW CFRTC.

2. Nurture collaboration and research partnerships among UW CFRTC members as well as across the University and nationally among P30 programs

  1. Enhance communications among cores and members and users through the UW CFRTC website, seminars, direct emails and the annual retreat
  2. Actively engage and recruit new investigators in to the CF field through one on on meetings, conferences, and the annual retreat
  3. Continue regular interactions and joint conferences with non-CF P30 programs at the UW
  4. Develop collaborations with other CF P30’s

3. Ensure productivity, efficiency, and accountability of all UW CFRTC components including cores and the pilot and feasibility program.

  1. Provide supportive infrastructure to ensure coordination of UW CFRTC components including grant and fiscal management across the UW institutions.
  2. Assess the effectiveness of core activities through ongoing measurement of metrics including number and type of members utilizing cores,
  3. publications citing the P30 center, grant submissions emerging from core generated data, evidence of new or expanding collaborations.
  4. Develop and sustain a successful membership program by establishing criteria for membership, maintaining updated profiles on membership use and participation in the program, and collecting membership feedback.
  5. Change core services based upon performance ,i.e., “sunsetting” underutilized services and supporting innovative new programs.

4. Support a robust enrichment program to enhance training of young investigators and cross- fertilization and education of established CF investigators.

  1. Organize meetings, seminar series, outside speakers, annual retreat and consultants to meet the needs of the UW CFRTC members and enrich the science.
  2. Work closely with UW T32 programs relevant to CF related science to encourage post doctoral training within the laboratories of UW CFRTC members and cores