Membership Table

Aitken, Moira, MDProfessorMedicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Altemeier, William, MDAssociate Professor;
Adjunct Associate Professor
Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Bamshad, Michael, MDProfessor
Adjunct Professor
Pediatric Genetic Medicine
Genome Sciences
Becker, Lev, PhDAssistant ProfessorBen May Department for Cancer Research
University of Chicago
Bogdani, Markia, MD, PhDStaff ScientistMatrix Biology, Benaroya Research Institute
Borenstein, Elhanan, PhDAssociate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Genome Sciences
Computer Science and Engineering
Brittnacher, Mitchell, PhDPrincipal Research ScientistMicrobiology
Genome Sciences
Bruce, James, PhDProfessorGenome Sciences
Chi, Donald, DDS, PhDAssociate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Oral Health Sciences
Health Services
Pediatric Dentistry
Dandekar, Ajai, MD, PhDAssistant Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
de Boer Ian, MDAssociate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Medicine (Nephrology)
Emond, Mary, PhDResearch Associate ProfessorBiostatistics
Frevert, Charles, DVM, ScDAssociate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Comparative Medicine
Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Gibson, Ronald, MD, PhDProfessorPediatrics
Godfrey, Emily, MD, MPHAdjunct Associate ProfessorMedicine (Obstretrics & Gynecology)
Goss, Christopher, MDProfessor
Adjunct Professor
Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) Pediatrics
Greenberg, Peter, PhDProfessorMicrobiology
Hajjar, Adeline, DVM, PhDResearch Associate ProfessorComparative Medicine
Hamblett, Nicole, PhDAssociate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Harwood, Caroline, PhDProfessorMicrobiology
Hawn, Thomas, MD, PhDProfessorMedicine (Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
Hayden, Hillary, PhDResearch Scientist IVMicrobiology
Heltshe, Sonya, PhDResearch Assistant Professor
Senior Biostatistician
Hernandez, Rafael, MDAssistant ProfessorPediatrics
Hisert, Katie, MDActing InstructorMedicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Hoffman, Lucas, MD, PhDAssociate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Hull, Rebecca, PhDResearch Associate ProfessorMedicine (Metabolism, Endocrinology & Nutrition)
Kahn, Steven, MB, ChBProfessorMedicine (Metabolism, Endocrinology & Nutrition)
Kessler, Larry, ScDProfessor and ChairHealth Services
Kestenbaum, Bryan, MD, MSProfessor
Adjunct Professor
Medicine (Nephrology)
Public Health (Epidemiology)
Kronmal, Richard, PhDProfessorBiostatistics & Statistics
Liggitt, Denny, DVM, PhDProfessor and ChairComparative Medicine
Long, Matthew, PhDFellowMedicine (Pulmonary & Critical Care)
Manicone, Anne, MDAssociate ProfessorMedicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Manoil, Colin, PhDProfessorGenome Sciences
McGuire, John, MDAssociate ProfessorPediatrics (Pediatric Critical Care Medicine)
Merjaneh, Lina, MDAssistant ProfessorPediatrics
Miller, Samuel, MDProfessor
Adjunct Professor
Genome Sciences
Mougous, Joseph, PhDAssociate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Murray, Karen, MDProfessorPediatrics
Nichols, David, MDAssociate ProfessorPediatrics (Pulmonary)
Paragas, Neal, PhDResearch Assistant ProfessorMedicine (Nephrology)
Parsek, Matthew, PhDProfessorMicrobiology
Patel, Shwetak, PhDWashington Research Foundation Entrepreneurship Endowed ProfessorComputer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Patrick, Donald, PhDProfessor
Adjunct Professor
Health Services
Rehabilitation Medicine
Ramsey, Bonnie, MDProfessorPediatrics
Rose, Lynn, PhDDirector
Affiliate Associate Professor
Scientific Administration (Benaroya
Research Institute)
Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics)
Margaret Rosenfeld, MD, MPHProfessorPediatrics
Rubel, Edwin, PhDVirginia Merrill Bloedel ProfessorOtolaryngology
Physiology & Biophysics
Neurologic Surgery
Sanda, Srinath, MDAssistant ProfessorPediatrics (University of California at San
Shendure, Jay, MD, PhDProfessorGenome Sciences
Singh, Pradeep, MDProfessorMicrobiology
Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Skerrett, Shawn, MDProfessorMedicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Sweet, Ian, PhDResearch Associate ProfessorMedicine (Metabolism, Endocrinology & Nutrition)
Treuting, Piper, DVM, MSAssociate ProfessorComparative Medicine
Wolter, Daniel, PhDActing InstructorPediatrics