Core Facilities

The Cystic Fibrosis Research Translation Center at the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Research Institute is organized around five cores:

  1. The Clinical Core will assist cystic fibrosis (CF) investigators at University of Washington and nationwide in translation of promising laboratory findings into new diagnostic or therapeutic approaches to improve the lives of patients with CF.
  2. The Host Microbe Core will assist and support the research base, trainees, and pilot project investigators by providing specimens, reagents, training, and services to define both the microbial and host response determinants of CF diseases in organs and tissues.
  3. The Genomics Core will provide instrumentation, computational infrastructure, technical and analytic expertise, and guidance in order to broadly enable and to enhance the use of genomic analysis in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) research.
  4. The Pa Mutant Library, under the direction of Dr. Stephen Salipante, distributes clones from the ordered Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mutant Library developed by Dr. Colin Manoil’s laboratory.
  5. The Administrative and Enrichment Core is responsible for all fiscal management of the biomedical core facilities, pilot and feasibility projects and the enrichment program including seminar series, guest speakers and the annual retreat.

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