CF Research Translation Center and Research Development Program
Seattle Children’s Research Institute
University of Washington
2001 8th Ave
Seattle, WA 98121

Pilots People

Pradeep Singh, MD

Pradeep Singh, MD

Pilot Program Director

Dr. Singh is a CF physician who has devoted his career to CF research, specifically focusing on P. aeruginosa infections.  Dr. Singh has over 15 years of experience conducting original research on P. aeruginosa, chronic infections and CF.  He also has extensive experience mentoring phyisician-scientists, and was awarded an NIH K24 grant support to spend 50% of his time in mentoring activities. Dr. Singh is currently the Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Research Development Program (RDP) at the University of Washington.  Dr. Singh also serves as Director of the Pilot and Feasibility Program for both the UW RDP and CFRTC.


David Nichols, MD

David Nichols, MD

Pilot Program Associate Director

Dave Nichols is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, CF clinician, and Medical Director of the TDN Coordinating Center. He is PI or Co-PI for TEACH, PROMISE, and SIMPLIFY national academic trials and supports multiple other
studies at the TDNCC. Nichols serves on multiple CF grant review committees, and is a member of the CFF’s Clinical Research Advisory Committee, Clinical Research Executive Committee, and working groups on CF academic research careers. He co-leads two national training programs on CF clinical research and statistical expertise. Both Singh and Nichols have been successful securing NIH, CF Foundation, and other funding for their own studies and are recognized mentors in their respective research fields.