CF Research Translation Center and Research Development Program

University of Washington
UW Health Sciences, K-140
Genome Sciences, Box 357710
Seattle, WA 98195

Genomics Core People     REQUEST CORE SERVICE  

Stephen Salipante, MD, PhD

Stephen Salipante, MD, PhD

Director, RDP Genomics Core

Steve Salipante is an established, NIH-funded Assistant Professor in Laboratory Medicine and a pathologist focused on molecular diagnostics and applied genomics. He has published extensively in microbial genetics, genomic technology development, and bioinformatics. Among other accomplishments, he pioneered methods for large-scale production and analysis of bacterial genomes. Salipante brings access to instruments and infrastructure maintained by Laboratory Medicine, new perspectives, ideas, and expertise in next-generation sequencing, statistical methods, and bioinformatics; and his lab is adept in bacterial genomic methods.

Colin Manoil, PhD

Colin Manoil, PhD

Co-Director, RDP Genomics Core

Colin Manoil is Professor in Genome Sciences, and an authority in bacterial genetics and genomics. He was among the first to develop defined transposon mutant libraries and Tn-seq, and has used these methods to make fundamental discoveries in six bacterial species. The Manoil P. aeruginosa transposon library has had a transformational impact on academic and industry CF research world-wide as it enables the phenotypes of nearly every non-essential gene to be rapidly assayed.