Clients are responsible for all charges for services provided to them by the UWAC. The UWAC is a contracted (preferred) provider with some insurance carriers. Even if the UWAC is a contracted provider, the insurance company may not cover every charge. It is each family’s responsibility to contact their insurance carrier to determine whether the service and provider they are working with at the UWAC will be covered.
Insurance Claims
The UWAC submits insurance claims to clients’ insurance providers to help support families with the process. However, this does not relieve clients of the financial obligation for services rendered by the UWAC. UWAC will assist client in obtaining required pre-authorization and/or referrals required by their insurance carrier.
Services Provided by Trainees
The UWAC is a training facility and trainees may be involved in treatment, evaluation, and testing services; all testing will be supervised closely by a licensed provider. If a trainee is involved with your services, you will be informed in advance and have an opportunity to discuss this with a member of our staff.
Please contact our intake coordinator at our Seattle clinic at 206.616.8642 or our Tacoma clinic at 253-692-4711 if you have any questions about your insurance coverage.