About Us

Hear about UWAC directly from our staff!

We are devoted to supporting autistic individuals and their families, caregivers, and community.  We do this through:

  • Evidence-based, developmentally sensitive, clinical services
  • Impactful and innovative research
  • Professional training and collaborative consultation

The UW Autism Center is part of the Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD) at the University of Washington and incorporates faculty and staff from the UW School of Medicine, College of Arts & Sciences, and College of Education.

The research program at the UW Autism Center collaborates with scientists from a variety of disciplines in an effort to discover the cause of autism and develop effective treatments. Our program is part of a large, national research network and is funded by the National Institutes of Health Autism Centers of Excellence (ACE) program and previously by the Studies to Advance Autism Research and Treatment (STAART) and Collaborative Programs of Excellence in Autism (CPEA). Collaboration is essential as we address the questions confronting individuals, families, and the larger autism community.

Our research efforts are focused on:

  1. Increasing early diagnosis of autism and related disorders
  2. Understanding the neurobiological basis of autism
  3. Understanding brain functioning, language, and cognitive development in autism
  4. Identifying early biological and behavioral predictors of outcome
  5. Identifying the genes related to autism
  6. Developing and assessing behavioral and biological treatments for autism

UW Autism Center has a satellite clinic on the UW Tacoma campus. Through active collaboration with local professionals and parents, the Tacoma site provides clinical services to the South Sound and strives to increase community capacity to serve individuals with ASD through education and training.  We aim to be an autism resource UW Tacoma and the surrounding community.

For more information about the UW Autism Center, please download a brochure.

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