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[untitled, Utrecht]

I sit on a bench overlooking the canal and
river of people whos Friday nights are only beginning,

Just another being among
the flow of people
paying pilgrimage to the gelato stand on the bridge

The murmur of quiet voices broken only by
the bell of an impatient cyclist or the slow gurgle of
a boat passing through the canal.

The smell of romantic dinners, mixing with
the beer and cigarettes shared by young and
old alike.

The occasional waft of weed from the
coffee shop down the road.

I am lost

And I know.

With the first hints of color against
the cloud bespeckled sky.

With each raindrop that reminds me
I am not dreaming

Each mayonnaise coated fry that enters my mouth to
satisfy my already fulfilled hunger.

I know.

The occasional Dutch phrase or word
I can make out
of the soft chatter drifting through the air.

The lights of the restaurants beginning
to cut their way through the night
creating blurred replicates
in the canal

I know.

I am where I need to be.

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