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Fine Tuning

Natural Reverence

The pines on the trees grow in spherical shapes

The sky is not merely blue here, but a haze of grey blanketing what could be blue

The air is thin 6000 feet up and dusted with sandalwood incense

The buzzing of birds and insects let me not forget I was in the mountains: a reminder that life was still there when I closed my eyes


Sobering Thoughts

What is so special about another blue sky and green trees?

Where do I place myself in a country so distant from my own?

Why would I leave a perfectly fine time in Washington to come halfway across the world to find spiders in my heat-less room every night?

Why am I stretching myself to understand the purpose of a singular moment?


Present Stimulations

Tune in

Tune in to tranquility

Tune in to relationships and one another

Tune in to your senses and feelings moment by moment

You are not here for any other reason but to hear, see, and be conscious

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