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London Eye—Time Series

I have always thought that a city’s architecture should just be associated with its history and the culture behind it, such as how and why it was built, or the major events that happened in particular sites. Everyone should have the same feeling toward it, it seemed to follow. In London, however, I happened to pass the same place multiple times throughout my stay, and realized that I had completely different perspective toward the same thing each time I passed by it. My feeling toward the same object, the London Eye, changed continuously, based on my mood at the moment, the amount of time I had spent in the city, and the dwindling time I had left before departing. In my project, I have displayed three different photos of the London Eye; although all three of them look alike, the little details show the changes of my focus and perspectives.

prose with black and white photo of London Eye

Text and image of London Eye at night

Text and image of London Eye with blue sky

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