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Postcards From Hampi

These photographs were taken just two weeks into my program, during a 36-hour-long trip to Hampi, an ancient village located in east-central Karnataka. During my time abroad, technological communication with those back home was limited, and while I found solace in the slow nostalgia of cards and letters sent by friends and family, I struggled to find postcards that I connected with to send back to them. Haiku and senryū-style poetry served as a way for my study abroad group to check in with each other when we weren’t physically together. Now they are an acknowledgment of the ways in which my relationships with race and identity shifted during my time abroad – and a nod to my Japanese heritage. These are the postcards I would have sent to my friends and family. They are a reflection of finding contentment through intentional and spontaneous stretching beyond comfort zones.

periwinkle sky with prose: roll in at sunrise, waning still hanging in periwinkle

image of ruins, to freshen our breaths because we slept upright

image of large boulders, with text reading: elasticity, secret feast among ruins, warm earth and blue sky

sunrise behind mountain, with text reading: you have come to far to not clamber barefooted up this last boulder

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