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Author Archive | CHID Study Abroad

Part 3: Distillation

Distillation is the extraction of the essential meaning or most important aspects of something. Transformative experiences can lead to new interactions, discoveries, and forms of truth. Connections by Jag Bains Moroccan Opus: IV. Reverberation (Marrakech) by Emily Aoki Yamashita The Four Pillars at Home and Abroad: A Series of Haikus by Simone Schwartz-Lombard Spirit of Lyon by Joseph Wu mood by Ananya Garg Poppies […]

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Part 2: Disorientation

Disorientation occurs when we lose our bearings, but it allows us to rethink our usual orientation to the world. How we reorient ourselves gives us a new sense of how things should be. Stranger in a Strange Land by Geoff Lloyd Questions I’ll Never Be Able to Answer by Ali Rosen I’m a Barbie Girl, Torn Between Two Worlds by Alyssa […]

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Part 1: Disillusion

Disillusionment is what results when reality seems to fall short of the imagined. It is a kind of growing pain that signals an opportunity for a greater, more holistic understanding. Moroccan Opus: I. Prelude (Casablanca) by Emily Aoki Yamashita Known to All and to All a Stranger by Mary Hinsvark Worlds Colliding by Simone Schwartz-Lombard Untitled by […]

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2018 Issue: Editors’ Note

Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. —Ibn Battuta Dislocation suggests a disturbance from an original, familiar, or usual state of being. In this issue, we reflect upon on how travel disrupts what has been previously understood as truth. Being physically “dislocated” from all that is familiar to us roused examinations of […]

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Part 3: ex·posures

exposure (n.): the condition of being subject to some effect or influence. Here we reveal faces of subjection and vulnerability and the challenge of responding adequately. Excursion by Abby Talkington Exhortations: Navigating Privilege Guilt by Alison Hill Steichen Dear Girls by Molly Woerner Travel Highlights by Crystaline Brown Exultance by Lauren Hanna Modern Exodus by Julia-Grace […]

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Part 2: ex·cavations

excavation (n.): the act of bringing to the surface or to light. Here we uncover what lies beneath, behind, and beyond our hardened perceptions. Fine Tuning by Molly Woerner Memorandums by Abby Talkington When We Met by Shreya Tewari Saint Astier by Heidi Goldstick Excavating My Expectations For A Semester in Southern Spain by Hannah McIlroy Roots Excluded From Soil […]

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Part 1: ex·perimentations

experimentation (n.): the action or process of trying out new ideas, methods, or activities. Here we navigate the unfamiliar in order to fashion new ways of orienting ourselves. Techno Burned My House Down by Keegan Laux Red Threads by Molly Woerner Focal Points by Ian Bartlett In Translation by Leila Reynolds Globalism: Collaging Culture by Sierra Morin Compulsive Sharing and […]

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2017 Issue: Editors’ Note

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” –T.S. Eliot ex- The prefix ex- suggests “out of” or “from,” or marks states of difference: “not,” or “no longer.” Our experience abroad moved us to, from, and in-between. While […]

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Part 3: hind•sights

hind•sights: the recognition of the realities and possibilities inherent in a particular expanse of time after its occurrence. This section compiles reflections on these moments and their afterlives. In this section: Beyond Petrin and Letna by Kayleigh Kleiva Beyond Petrin and Letna Budapest’s caves are the least scary thing Krakow’s squeaking trumpet Vienna’s birthday cakes […]

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Part 2: in·sights

Through sights and insights, this section visually captures our immediate experiences and the imprints they make in our minds’ eyes. The River Downtown by Josh Howard Seven Minutes in Vietnam by Brenda Luu Berlin Impressions by Doria Niu Las Maestras Shipibas: Resilience through Art in Lima, Peru by Alison Forsyth Tranquility by Emma Panciroli Tabletops […]

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