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Archive | Issue 1: 2015


Sometimes I feel badly about my travels Amsterdam thoughts starting to unravel My photos are blurry, so what remains? Souvenirs. Are material possessions vain? Upon a chain, bouncing against my breast Happily, this is her knowledge of nest. In the clever chic cage, sitting on a swing, You won’t ever hear this blue bird sing. […]

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Becoming Raven

Schiffler is the first recipient of the Colin Wang Memorial Scholarship, a $1000 award for a CHID study abroad student, created in memory of University of Washington student Colin Wang. Because Wang was an aspiring stand-up comedian, in order to compete for the scholarship, students were each asked to submit an original limerick. Schiffler’s limerick […]

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Philosophic Geography and Study Abroad: Thinking Critically about the Map of the Mind

Abstract: This essay explores Andrea Smith’s concept of the privilege of self-reflexivity and Larry Wolf’s writings about philosophic geography and Eastern Europe in conversation with my study abroad experiences in Romania in 2013 and the Czech Republic in 2014. I use these writers to critique my practice of approaching the people I met while studying abroad as an occasion for […]

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Monster and a Mirror

Artist’s statement: This work was a way for me to attend to my learning experience in Iceland. In an attempt to expound the intimacies of a ‘monster’ identity in relation to the binary of ‘natural/unnatural,’ I looked at my own spatial inhabitance of Iceland, physically and mentally. What epistemologies, categories and valuations did I subscribe to, […]

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Man Alone

Artist’s Statement: Over the course of my two-month study abroad trip in Iceland, the themes of becoming and isolation presented themselves repeatedly in our readings and in my first-hand experiences. I considered exploring many other themes in my final project, like time, human and animal relations or politics. But I couldn’t shake the impact that […]

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Part 5: Constructing Mythologies

Constructing Mythologies considers travel as a space for students to invent new ways of fashioning themselves. In this section The Child, the Ant, and the Magnifying Lens by Emily Rebecca Jensen Man Alone by Nick Bragg Monster and a Mirror by Amelia Batayola Philosophic Geography and Study Abroad: Thinking Critically about the Map of the Mind by Shannon Foss Becoming […]

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The Exchange Student Reality Show

This time, your city will be Berlin. You and one other exchange student will be set loose in the city for 3 days and 4 nights, including travel, and are expected to forage for food, see important landmarks, and absorb local culture. Of course, you can receive help from other friends before the trip to […]

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Travel Tips

Tahiti China Geomarc PaneloGeomarc Manahan Panelo is a senior in the University of Washington studying American Ethnic Studies and a minor in Labor Studies and Diversity. He studied abroad in Tahiti-Huahine and China the summer of 2014.

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A Short Story about Pooping My Pants

Hi. My name is Erin, and I pooped my pants. I was twenty one years old. I was in control of my own movements and self. I had an accessible toilet. And yet, despite all logic that would explain otherwise, I pooped my pants. It was a sunny and clear morning in the Indian Himalayan […]

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