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Sometimes I feel badly about my travels Amsterdam thoughts starting to unravel My photos are blurry, so what remains? Souvenirs. Are material possessions vain? Upon a chain, bouncing against my breast Happily, this is her knowledge of nest. In the clever chic cage, sitting on a swing, You won’t ever hear this blue bird sing. […]

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Becoming Raven

Schiffler is the first recipient of the Colin Wang Memorial Scholarship, a $1000 award for a CHID study abroad student, created in memory of University of Washington student Colin Wang. Because Wang was an aspiring stand-up comedian, in order to compete for the scholarship, students were each asked to submit an original limerick. Schiffler’s limerick […]

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Monster and a Mirror

Artist’s statement: This work was a way for me to attend to my learning experience in Iceland. In an attempt to expound the intimacies of a ‘monster’ identity in relation to the binary of ‘natural/unnatural,’ I looked at my own spatial inhabitance of Iceland, physically and mentally. What epistemologies, categories and valuations did I subscribe to, […]

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Man Alone

Artist’s Statement: Over the course of my two-month study abroad trip in Iceland, the themes of becoming and isolation presented themselves repeatedly in our readings and in my first-hand experiences. I considered exploring many other themes in my final project, like time, human and animal relations or politics. But I couldn’t shake the impact that […]

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I was beginning to get very sleepy sitting in the airport. Once or twice I glanced at the newspaper being read by the guy next to me, but it was just a bunch of words. Suddenly, Frigga, the Icelandic queen of the gods and the goddess of wives and mothers, rushed up and offered me […]

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Artist’s statement: This laundry line was strung up when a student travelled to the Amalfi Coast and was without access to a laundromat. She waved her underwear proudly in the Italian sun. Jennifer RempeJennifer is a senior studying Business Administration with a focus in Finance. She participated in the Foster School Rome Program 2014.

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Are You American?

Growing up in Newport Beach, California, diversity wasn’t always celebrated. To better understand what I mean, picture the MTV show Laguna Beach. That was actually the life I led. My dad is Mexican and my mom is white. Because I lived in an affluent white community, I assimilated into their culture. Mexicans in America are […]

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