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Tag Archives | Iceland

Focal Points

When asked, “Hey, how was your trip?” I’m often left either gagging on my own words attempting to summarize three months in Europe into a couple of coherent sentences, or I’m caught rattling off everything I did from start to finish without providing any tangible information that leaves anyone with a clue to the original question.  It’s […]

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Becoming Raven

Schiffler is the first recipient of the Colin Wang Memorial Scholarship, a $1000 award for a CHID study abroad student, created in memory of University of Washington student Colin Wang. Because Wang was an aspiring stand-up comedian, in order to compete for the scholarship, students were each asked to submit an original limerick. Schiffler’s limerick […]

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Monster and a Mirror

Artist’s statement: This work was a way for me to attend to my learning experience in Iceland. In an attempt to expound the intimacies of a ‘monster’ identity in relation to the binary of ‘natural/unnatural,’ I looked at my own spatial inhabitance of Iceland, physically and mentally. What epistemologies, categories and valuations did I subscribe to, […]

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Man Alone

Artist’s Statement: Over the course of my two-month study abroad trip in Iceland, the themes of becoming and isolation presented themselves repeatedly in our readings and in my first-hand experiences. I considered exploring many other themes in my final project, like time, human and animal relations or politics. But I couldn’t shake the impact that […]

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Reykjavik is for Lovers

This piece was originally published as a post on Stillman’s blog, The Reykjavik Chronicles. It was the first time since arriving in Iceland that Id been able to see the brilliant blue Nordic sky. That morning I made an executive decision to wear shorts, to commit to the beauty of the morning and will the […]

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On the Way to the Volcano

“You’re nowhere near the volcano,” the heavily accented voice said through a half-rolled passenger window. “Would you like a ride there?” We had been hiking for the past hour in search of the trailhead to the volcano overlooking Vestmannaeyjar, but had mistakenly wandered into the city dump. The proposition seemed like a good idea at […]

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Without Predators

I’m convinced god made Iceland for horses and sheep They belong to the land, lay in its bosom with plenty to eat We are the visitors, not them I’ve never seen as many of them relaxing as I have here today Life must be easier when you have no natural predators I can’t imagine what […]

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