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It was the stormiest night of our stay in Rome, emerging seemingly from nowhere. Suffering from Seattle weather withdrawal, we ran around the abandoned Campo de Fiori in the pouring rain, then returned to try to capture the moment from the perch of our apartment window overlooking the square. What I love about this photo […]

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Romani Markets in Rome

The CHID Legacies of Empires program connects with Romani communities in Rome. Italian Romani (commonly and pejoratively known as Gypsies) are dependent on informal markets to sell the recycled objects they collect from the garbage. The last informal market available to them in Rome—the Don Carlo Gnocchi Market—was recently closed, exacerbating the impoverishment of these […]

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Artist’s statement: This laundry line was strung up when a student travelled to the Amalfi Coast and was without access to a laundromat. She waved her underwear proudly in the Italian sun. Jennifer RempeJennifer is a senior studying Business Administration with a focus in Finance. She participated in the Foster School Rome Program 2014.

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Mornings in Italy

This day started out like the rest. Sun crept through the window of my room, waking me from a peaceful slumber. I rolled out from under my sheets, removing the cocoon I had forged out of an assortment of blankets splattered with strange but now endearing cartoon characters, and quickly put myself together. Still half […]

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Firmes en la fe

I feel the warmth of the sun as it shines through the windows. I look around and I see decorations typical of a Catholic Church: the altar, the crucifix, candles, and paintings. Sitting in the University of Washington Catholic Newman Center brings back a flood of memories that tie my life in Washington State and […]

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