Media and Abstinence
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement provides an important policy statement supported by a summary of research pertaining to teen sexuality and media. Media literacy is strongly suggested as a necessary part of sex education programs today and research focused on the curriculum
Take It Seriously: Sex, Abstinence and Media (TISSAM) is cited here as an example demonstrating the positive impact a media literacy curriculum can have in addressing issues of teen sexuality.
Kids Health contains information for both parents and teens. For example, see the section on the site that talks to teens about
This source provides teens with answers to some general questions that they might ask about abstinence, such as “What is it?” and “How does it work?” There is also an audio track for teens to hear the text they see on the page.
Teen Aware: Sex, Media and You, developed by the Teen Futures Media Network, University of Washington in collaboration with Washington’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, is intended to serve as an archive for Washington’s Teen Aware Project (1994-2003) which funded school-based media campaigns designed by teens to convince their middle and high school-age peers to practice abstinence. The site contains a wealth of teen-generated media from across the state along with a large collection of media literacy related lessons and resources for those interested in using media literacy as a strategy for addressing teen sexuality. The site covers a range of issues from body image and using sex to sell to issues of reducing risk and media production.
Teen Health and the Media, developed by the Teen Futures Media Network, University of Washington and initiated with funding from the Washington State Department of Health addresses a range of teen health issues. The site introduces media literacy education as a strategy for addressing each of these important health issues with teens. As an example, see the teen sexuality section of the site which addresses