Resources Addressing Media and Teen Pregnancy
These resources specifically address media-related issues and/or media literacy education.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Policy Statement: Sexuality, Contraception and the Media
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Policy Statement provides an important AAP policy statement supported by a summary of research pertaining to teen sexuality and media. Media literacy is strongly suggested as a necessary part of sex education programs today. Take It Seriously: Sex, Abstinence and Media (TISSAM) research is cited here as an example demonstrating the positive impact a media literacy curriculum can have in addressing issues of teen sexual and reproductive health.

National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
Check out the National Campaign website for a variety of media-related resources. These include:
  • 16 and Pregnant, Discussion Guide
    The National Campaign is distributing both the DVD and discussion guide for the popular MTV reality series 16 and Pregnant. Also check out the website for MTV's follow-up series Teen Mom for episode summaries and a lot more!
  • Entertainment Media
    Find examples of teen and unplanned pregnancy in the media here.
  • Media: Traditional/Digital
    Here you’ll find reports and other materials prepared on behalf of the Campaign addressing important topics relating to teens and media.
  • Watch Now
    You’ll want to keep your eye on this page for new developments. Here the Campaign lists shows about teen and unplanned pregnancy that it has been involved with recently or will air soon.
  • Stay Teen website
    Also be sure to see the Campaign’s site designed especially for teens to express their views. This site contains some interesting information about media teens find of interest.

Kaiser Family Foundation
Kaiser Family Foundation has been a partner on a number of special media productions. Check out It’s Your (Sex) Life Special Programming for a listing of programs in which the Foundation has been involved.

Teen Aware: Sex, Media and You
Teen Aware: Sex, Media and You is developed by the Teen Futures Media Network, University of Washington in collaboration with Washington’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction was created to serve as an archive for Washington’s Teen Aware Project (1994-2003), an abstinence education-based teen pregnancy prevention project that focused on teen-generated media and introduced media literacy education. This site contains a large number of teen-generated media pieces addressing teen pregnancy along with a wealth of media literacy related lessons and resources for those interested in using media literacy as a strategy for addressing teen sexuality.

Teen Health and the Media
Teen Health and the Media, developed by the Teen Futures Media Network, University of Washington and initiated with funding from the Washington State Department of Health, addresses a range of teen health issues, including teen pregnancy. The site introduces media literacy education as a strategy for addressing each of these important health issues with teens. See the section of the site addressing teen sexuality

Media Awards and Campaigns

Advocates for Youth
The Advocates for Youth organization has been very interested in media issues. Among its activities focused on media and adolescent sexual health, see:

Planned Parenthood
See Planned Parenthood's Federation of America’s Maggie Awards These awards are intended to recognize outstanding contributions by the media and arts entertainment industries that help “enhance the public’s understanding of reproductive rights and health care issues, including contraception, sex education, teen pregnancy, abortion, and international family planning.” Check out the latest list of award recipients.

Other Teen Pregnancy Resources

Washington State Department of Health : Maternal, Infant, Child and Adolescent Health
The Washington State Department of Health : Maternal, Infant, Child and Adolescent Health offer a wide variety of resources including the Teen Health Fact Sheets. For example, see the Fact Sheet on Unintended Pregnancy

Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Go to Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's Facts for Families, “When Children Have Children” (Fact Sheet #31)

Guttmacher Institute
The Guttmacher Institute is a widely respected source for information about sexual and reproductive health. Explore its website for many valuable resources.

I Wanna Know
I Wanna Know is provided by the American Social Health Association offers information about a variety of sexual health issues including teen pregnancy. You’ll find separate sections for parents and educators on this site.

Kids Health: Nemours Foundation
The Kids Health website contains information for both parents and teens. Check out the information it offers concerning adolescent sexual health.

Sexuality and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS)
Sexuality and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS) offers an excellent place to find up-to-date information about what’s happening around the country re: sexual and reproductive health programs/policy initiatives, and research updates.

Teen Growth : A Website for Teens
Teen Growth is a website for teens. Check out some of the information offered there for teens looking for information about the subject of pregnancy.

The Daily Risk
The Daily Risk is produced by the Spokane Regional Health Department in Spokane,WA. The site is designed as a teen resource for Spokane youth; it also provides information for parents.