What does the term “puberty mean?” When does it start happening? What exactly can you expect to happen to your body?

When depending on friends and the media as sources of information, the topic of puberty can remain quite a mystery for many teens. What does the term “puberty mean?” When does it start happening? What exactly can you expect to happen to your body?

These are questions to which teens need answers. Sure, there are lots of answers around these days; in fact they’re all over the web. But are teens really learning to discriminate those sources that offer medically and scientifically accurate information from those that contain a wide variety of misinformation. This section contains a variety of resources and lessons to share with your class on the important subject of puberty.

Young adolescent girl and boy are talking while leaning against school lockers;  the girl is smiling at the boy. Seventeen magazine cover with a calendar shown in the background and the words 'DON’T BE CAUGHT BY SURPRISE' placed prominently upfront.  Under the calendar, the words, 'PREDICT THE DATE OF YOUR NEXT PERIOD' and 'START PLANNING' are printed.
Sample Lessons
