Media and STDs/HIV
These resources specifically address media-related issues and/or media literacy education.

American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement: Sexuality, Contraception and the Media
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement provides an important policy statement supported by a summary of research pertaining to teen sexuality and media. Media literacy is strongly suggested as a necessary part of sex education programs today and research focused on the curriculum Take It Seriously: Sex, Abstinence and Media (TISSAM) is cited here as an example demonstrating the positive impact a media literacy curriculum can have in addressing issues of teen sexual and reproductive health.

Teen Aware: Sex, Media and You
Teen Aware: Sex, Media and You, developed by the Teen Futures Media Network, University of Washington in collaboration with Washington’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction is intended to serve as an archive for Washington’s Teen Aware Project (1994-2003), an abstinence education-based project that focused on teen-generated media and introduced media literacy education. The site contains a large number of teen-generated media pieces addressing STDs/HIV along with a wealth of media literacy related lessons and resources for those interested in using media literacy as a strategy for addressing teen sexuality. For example, see the section on Reducing Risks for lesson ideas.

Teen Health and the Media
Teen Health and the Media, developed by the Teen Futures Media Network, University of Washington and initiated with funding from the Washington State Department of Health addresses a range of teen health issues, including STDs/HIV. The site introduces media literacy education as a strategy for addressing each of these important health issues with teens. As an example, see the section on Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Other Media and STDs/HIV Resources
These resources make use of some form of media or provide information addressing media issues.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC offers a wide range of resources such as videos, brochures, fact sheets and reports. Among these resources are STD 101 in a Box. Here you can find ready-to-use presentations along with the notice: “This link contains GRAPHIC IMAGES of sexually transmitted diseases intended for educational and teaching purposes, and may not be appropriate for all audiences.”

Bloodlines Video
Bloodlines is a video directed and produced by HIV-positive youth. See the video discussion guide provided here for more information.

3 Girls I Know
The 3 Girls I Know documentary which can prove useful in facilitating conversations with your students features three girls from varied ethnic backgrounds as they explore issues of sexuality and relationships. The girls discuss their fears, sexual identities, and the consequences of their choices - among them pregnancy, and testing HIV-positive.

Kaiser Family Foundation
Kaiser Family Foundation has been very involved in media-related issues. Kaiser Family Foundation Entertainment Media Partnerships has formed partnerships with entertainment media for the purpose of using media as a vehicle to bring critical sexual health information to young people. Check out It’s Your (Sex) Life Special Programming for a listing of programs in which the Foundation has been involved.
National Youth Advocacy Coalition, You Know Different Project
You Know Different is an award-winning HIV/AIDS social marketing campaign designed by the National Youth Advocacy Coalition. You can download the toolkit and campaign materials from the website. The current focus is on African American and sexual minority youth.

Online Youth Social Marketing Toolkit
Online Youth Social Marketing Toolkit is a step-by-step guide provided by California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center for developing a social marketing campaign designed to reach youth. This site addresses the many decisions involved in developing a campaign and offers practical examples from the field of sexual and reproductive heath.

The Deal magazine produced by the Adolescent AIDS Program
The Deal is a magazine designed to reach a teen audience. This magazine addresses issues such as relationships, sex, HIV/AIDS and testing. It includes conversations with teens about important issues along with advice from experts.

Other STD/HIV Resources

American Social Health Association
American Social Health Association addresses STIs, providing not only fast facts youth might be seeking and it also makes certain to address LGBTQ youth. The site stresses the fact that youth with an STI are not alone and how to go about seeking support.

CDC National Prevention Information Network
CDC National Prevention Information Network provides general resource information, including updates on events and news relating to STD/HIV issues. For example, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV/AIDS is a good place to check for materials addressing HIV/AIDS.

Healthy Teen Network
Healthy Teen Network's available materials include a brochure series, advocacy resource guides, and fast fact sheets concerning topics such contraception and HIV/AIDS.

I Wanna Know
I Wanna Know is provided by the American Social Health Association. Check out the information they offer about STDs. Also note you’ll find separate sections for parents and educators on this site.

Kids Health: Nemours Foundation
The Kids Health Website contains information for both parents and teens. Check out the information they offer concerning STDs.

National Youth Advocacy Coalition
The National Youth Advocacy Coalition has a variety of resources for youth. Those looking for resources for LGBTQ youth are encouraged to check out this site.

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
If you’re searching for a brief overview of information about STDs, you might want to check out this The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

The Daily Risk
The Daily Risk is produced by the Spokane Regional Health Department in Spokane,WA. The site is designed as a teen resource for Spokane youth; it also provides information for parents.

Washington State Department of Health, Sexually Transmitted Disease
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) offers a very informative site about STDs, “the most commonly reported diseases in Washington State.” Also see the Sexually Transmitted Diseases booklet that DOH has produced; this booklet has proven a helpful resource for sharing with teens and parents. DOH has also produced a series of Teen Health Fact Sheets, including a Fact Sheet on Sexually Transmitted Infections.