Connect Safely: Smart Socializing Starts Here
Connect Safely is an interactive resource about social networking on the web with resources and information for educators, parents, and teenagers. The site includes tips, news, and resources for navigating safely on social networking sites. In addition, there is a discussion forum where users can discuss important issues and concerns with one another.

Cyber Smart!
Cyber Smart! is geared toward students and educators and focuses on Online Safety. In addition, its resources encourage students to be critical of the Internet and be responsible Internet users. It also includes lesson plans and activities for educators.

Get Net Wise
The resources on Get Net Wise help parents educate themselves and their children about Online Safety. Information is provided about filtering software and web sites considered safe for children and teens.

I Keep Safe. Org
I Keep Safe provides educators and parents with tools and guidelines that promote safe internet use for children. Resources include videos, tutorials, lesson plans and educational materials (for family and educators), and information about some of the risks associated with children being online.

i-Safe is a non-profit organization which focuses on educating youth and adults to safely, responsibly and productively use Information and Communications Technologies. I-Safe provides curriculum for primary and secondary school students.