Announcing the 2017 UW-Philips Pilot Project Program (UWP-PPP)

October 03, 2017

The Department of Radiology is pleased to announce the 2017 UW-Philips Pilot Project Program (UWP-PPP).
There is a set aside of $200,000 (inclusive of F&A costs) to fund 2-5 pilot research projects.

Call for proposals           October 2
Letter of Intent due         November 6
Full proposal invitations  December 4
Invited proposals due     January 8, 2018
Awards Announced        February 5, 2018
Project start (not before) March 5, 2018

Duration:     Maximum of One Year (no extensions)
Eligibility:     Any University of Washington faculty member.

1. Projects in targeted areas of interest, including, but not limited to the following: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data and Clinical Informatics,
2. Projects that are intended to generate preliminary data for NIH or equivalent funding applications or other larger follow-on projects.
3. UW faculty working in collaboration with UW Radiology faculty
4. Projects with the potential for translation by Philips.

Further information is in the attached description and Letter of Intent form.

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