ADRC Seminar Series: Astrid Suchy-Dicey, PhD, Assistant Research Professor, Washington State University


  Monday, May 9, 2022   12:00pm - 1:00pm ( 1 hrs )

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At the upcoming May ADRC seminar series we are delighted to have Dr. Astrid Suchy-Dicey give a presentation on some of her ADRD work with Native American communities.

Speaker: Astrid Suchy-Dicey, PhD, Assistant Research Professor, Washington State University

Title: Health disparities and Alzheimer’s disease in American Indians
Monday, May 9
Noon to 1 pm.
Zoom below and on the ADRC website
Topic: ADRC seminar series: May
Time: May 9, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 943 7427 4795 Passcode: 444398

My research focuses on neuroepidemiology within the context of health disparities, with special interest in neuropsychology, neuroimaging, and quantitative analytics. I have graduate certification in public health genetics, machine learning, and a background in molecular pathology. I am PI of two large studies focused on cognitive and socio-cultural features related to Alzheimer’s disease and vascular aging in American Indians (R01AG070822, RF1AG071677) and a plasma biomarkers pilot study in the same population, funded by University of Washington Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (UW ADRC). I also lead a large, longitudinal epidemiology study with detailed cognitive, clinical, and imaging data on more than 1,000 American Indian adults over two timepoints (K01AG057821 Suchy-Dicey; R01HL093086 Buchwald; P50AG005136 Grabowski), including detailed dementia case review and adjudications efforts in collaboration with UW ADRC Clinical Core. I have more than 15 years’ experience working with large population-based cohorts, among them the Cardiovascular Health Study and the Seattle Kidney Study. I serve as chair of the Strong Heart Study Neurology working group, and am involved in the Collaborative Cohort of Cohorts for COVID-19 Research (C4R) study. I mentor several graduate students, post-doctorates, and junior faculty, including primary mentoring on the Resource Center for Minority Aging Research in Alzheimer’s Disease center at WSU and the Alzheimer’s Disease Center of Excellence at UC Denver. I serve on the WSU Institutional Review Board and the WSU Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee, and chair the IREACH Publications & Presentations committee.

The topic of the ADRC Seminar Series will be a wide range of areas of relevance to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD), biological heterogeneity, and other themes of the ADRC. The presenters will be a mix of UW, regional, and external (national and international) guests and will also have an eye towards enhancing collaborations. For more information on the ADRC seminar series, please contact Genevieve Wanucha ( or Annika Noreen ( or visit the ADRC Talks & Events calendar.

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