UW Psychiatry Grand Rounds: The role of the cerebellum in aging and dementia 


  Friday, March 10, 2023   12:00pm - 1:00pm ( 1 hrs )

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Friday, March 10
12-1 PM PST

The role of the cerebellum in aging and dementia 
Sponsored by the Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions


Erik Carlson, MD, PhD
Erik Carlson, MD, PhD, will review non-motor functions of the cerebellum, and how they relate to psychiatric illnesses. He will also discuss recent results from his laboratory showing both neuroprotective roles of an intact cerebellum in aging, as well as neuropathological correlates of dementia in the cerebellum.

Dr. Carlson is a basic neuroscientist, a board-certified practicing psychiatrist, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington Medical School. The goal of his research is to investigate the neural circuitry of cognitive, emotional and memory processing, particularly as it relates to PTSD, TBI and dementia through the implementation of techniques in mouse behavioral genetics.

In his clinical practice, he primarily sees veterans with PTSD, mild cognitive impairment, and various forms of dementia in an outpatient clinic at the VAMC Puget Sound Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) in Seattle. During his psychiatry residency training at UW, he participated in the internally funded Neuroscience Research Track. He then received a NIMH career development award (K08) mentored by Larry Zweifel, Ph.D. In that position, he investigated interactions between catecholamines and the cerebellum in decision making, emotional and cognitive processing. His current research utilizes mouse behavior, in vivo electrophysiological recordings, gene targeting, viral vectors, translational profiling, chemo- and optogenetic tools, site-specific intracranial viral vector injection, and protein chemistry, as well as collaborations with scientists in neuropathology, radiology and the Alzheimer's Disease Research Community at UW.


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