The MBWC recommends these resources for families, caregivers, and people living with a primary progressive aphasia (PPA), and other forms of frontemporal dementia that affect speech and language capabilities.
Understanding Primary Progressive Aphasia
Support Groups - Virtual and In-Person
PPA Chats: Bi-monthly Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) virtual Zoom-based support group for both people living with PPA and their care partners: Join Our Monthly PPA Chats - National Aphasia Association
PPA Together: Do you or a loved one live with PPA/PPAOS? Come explore a group just for you! We meet monthly, on Wednesday afternoons. A free event, in person at the Memory Hub: 1021 Columbia St. Seattle WA, 98104.
Offered in partnership by UW Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center, UW Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. Flyer
Clinical Services
UW Speech and Hearing Clinic - Speech/Language Pathology People interested in learning about the PPA speech language services and conversation groups at UW Speech and Hearing Clinic can email the clinic at or call 206 543-5440.