Dementia-Friendly Washington Learning Collaborative

Welcome! We are a group of people who organize, facilitate, or participate in dementia-friendly community efforts in Washington State.


We meet online from 3-4:15 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month to inspire, equip and support expansion of dementia-friendly community efforts by sharing with and learning from each other. Note that we alternative between theme-based sessions that explore a particular topic, and informal sessions that provide an opportunity for group members to seek input from each other on current challenges or questions.

In 2023, our focus is on dementia-friendly programs. These might be memory cafes, zoo walks, sing-alongs, arts programs, or any open-to-the-public, live or virtual social engagement, arts, fitness or volunteer programs designed for and with persons with dementia and their families.

Who attends our meetings?

  • ​​ Staff or volunteers who manage programs at community-based organizations like senior centers, community centers, parks and recreation, libraries, cultural associations, faith communities, arts organizations, etc.
  • Instructors and facilitators for dementia-friendly programs
  • People with dementia and family caregivers


A Few Reminders

Our meetings are not intended to provide training in dementia care.

As we focus on public programs, we are not a good fit for people providing services in a private community or long-term care setting.

Our meetings are not a place to market services.


Our Advisory Group

Marigrace Becker, Program Manager of Community Education and Impact, UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center

Lynne Korte, Dementia Care Program/Policy Analyst, Home and Community Services, Aging and Long Term Support Administration, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services

Dr. Kristoffer Rhoads, Neuropsychologist, UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center

Allyson Schrier, Program Manager Project ECHO Dementia, UW

Maria Holt, Program Director, Lutheran Community Services Northwest

Gillian JonesDirector of Programming, Edmonds Center for the Arts 

Jaime Clark, Social Worker, Southeast Seattle Senior Center

Mary Jane Knecht,Manager, Creative Aging Programs, Frye Art Museum

Jingyi Li, Graduate Student, UW

Cindy Fine, Planning Coordinator, Spokane Area Agency on Aging

Lynn Crawford, Executive Director, HOPE Dementia Support