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Moroccan Opus: IV. Reverberation (Marrakech)

The city of Marrakech was the main reason why I wanted to create a podcast for my trip. One thing I wanted to capture and convey about my trip was the sounds of Morocco. Marrakech is a medley of noise, whether it be musicians, motorbikes, snake charmers, storytellers, the call to prayers, or the constant sound of shopkeepers haggling over prices. Surrounding myself with these sounds allowed me to appreciate how unique and special Morocco was, and how much love Moroccan people put into music and performance. This episode has less of a story, because I mainly wanted listeners to be able to close their eyes, listen to all of the sounds I recorded, and feel like they are experiencing the magic of Marrakech first-hand.

Audio Credits: Kidda (Natacha Atlas), Moi Et Toi (Abdel Ali Slimani), Advertisement recorded by Geoff Lloyd

Listen to the entire “Moroccan Opus” on Spreaker.

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