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Author Archive | Nicolle Shaw Salazar

이촌 Station 3-1

Taking the public transportation in Seoul was one of my favorite things to do. I find that despite its inconveniences, the different types of public transportation have their own specific magic. The inner-city buses, the inter-city buses, the different types of metros, subway and commuter rail systems all have their own feel and nuances. My […]

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딸기 우유

I am a nervous person. I worry a lot and get easily stressed out and anxious, especially on my own and in unfamiliar settings. Traveling alone for the first time internationally, to a completely different continent I had never been to before, and who’s language I am not fluent in, definitely exacerbated those tendencies. However, […]

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Terminal 1/2

With anxiety induced adrenaline still coursing through my body after having made it passed immigration, my next step was getting to my hotel. Nervously, I made my way in the general direction of the terminal entrances and pulled out my phone to dial the pre-saved hotel number in it. I looked out the windows into […]

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Moments in Transience

Whenever we’re in motion from one place to another, from point A to point B, we are also somewhere entirely both dependent and independent of those destinations. There is never a time in which we are nowhere; we can never truly be removed from our environment, no matter if we are merely passing through or […]

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