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Sometimes I feel badly about my travels Amsterdam thoughts starting to unravel My photos are blurry, so what remains? Souvenirs. Are material possessions vain? Upon a chain, bouncing against my breast Happily, this is her knowledge of nest. In the clever chic cage, sitting on a swing, You won’t ever hear this blue bird sing. […]

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Showering is a Bore

Showering is such a bore. It takes so long, and then it takes even longer to get yourself ready afterwards. Why do people shower so much? I probably smell fine, and I haven’t showered since Monday. It’s overrated. It’s wasteful. It’s too much effort. And then you have to clean the shower. Why do I […]

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Dutch Suits

Suits are powerful, handsome, tall Shortsighted, lovely blue eyes and all Suits are smart, educated, some are fit Insincere, effusive, cordial, bullshits Suits are lovers, doers, delegators Coldhearted, white toothed alligators Suits are manipulative, elegant, sharp Showy, feeding, over-indulged carp Suits are movers, tough dealmakers Aggressive, elite, competent, takers. Suits are managers, Caucasian, Dutch, Men, […]

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[untitled, Utrecht]

I sit on a bench overlooking the canal and river of people who’s Friday nights are only beginning, Just another being among the flow of people paying pilgrimage to the gelato stand on the bridge The murmur of quiet voices broken only by the bell of an impatient cyclist or the slow gurgle of a […]

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Without Predators

I’m convinced god made Iceland for horses and sheep They belong to the land, lay in its bosom with plenty to eat We are the visitors, not them I’ve never seen as many of them relaxing as I have here today Life must be easier when you have no natural predators I can’t imagine what […]

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