It is generally easiest to navigate this site from Contents or the Timeline, but there may be times when it is useful to consult a list of the main pages, which is given here.  This list does not include the hundreds of pages that give source citations, nor the pages that extend the text by giving answers, thoughts, further comments, or enlarged details.  It also does not list the separate pages of the Teachers' Guide or the Timeline and Maps.

Front Matter

    F1 Purpose

    F2 Contents

    F3 Timeline and Maps

    F4 Sitemap

    F5 Teachers' Guide


    1 Geography

            Further Reading

            1.1 Land

                    1.11 China Proper

                            1.111 The Great Wall

                            1.112  Yellow River

                            1.113  Yangtze River

                    1.12  Outer China

            1.2 People

    2 Ancient Tombs

            Further Reading

            2.1Neolithic Tomb at Dawenkou

                        2.11 Pottery from Dawenkou

            2.2  Shang Tomb of Fu Hao

                    2.21 Bronzes from Fu Hao's Tomb

                            2.211 Piece-Mold Techniques

                    2.22 Jade from Fu Hao's Tomb

            2.3  Zhou Tomb of Count Yu

                    2.31 Bronzes from Count Yu's Tomb

                    2.32  Jades from Count Yu's Tomb

            2.4  Warring States Tomb of Marquis Yi

                    2.41 Inscriptions

                    2.43  Musical Instruments

                            2.431  Restoration of the Bells

                    2.44  Bronzes from Marquis Yi's Tomb

                    2.45  Lacquer Objects

                    2.46  Gold and Silver

            2.5  Han Tomb of Liu Sheng

                    2.51 Diagram of Tomb

                    2.52  Bronze Objects

                    2.53  Jade Objects

    3  Buddhism

            Further Reading

            3.1  Images

                    3.11  Buddhas

                    3.12  Bodhisattvas

                    3.13  Other Divinities

                    3.14  Groups of Images

            3.2  Temples

                    3.21  Cave Temples

                    3.22  Urban Temples

            3.3  Practice

                    3.31  Monks and Nuns

                    3.32  Lay People

    4 Calligraphy

            Further Reading

            4.1  Script Types

            4.2  Techniques of Transmission

            4.3  Six Dynasties Calligraphy

            4.4   Tang Calligraphy

                    4.21  Early Tang Court Calligraphy

                    4.22  Other Script Types

                    4.23  Religious Writings

                    4.24  Individualist Styles

            4.5  Calligraphy in Modern China

    5 Military Technology

            Further Reading

            5.1  Siegecraft

            5.2  Crossbows

            5.3  Spears and Clubs

            5.4  Catapults

            5.5  Warships

            5.6  Gunpowder and Firearms

  6 Painting

            Further Reading

            6.1  Painting as a Social Record

                    6.11 Urban Life

                            6.111  Shops and Commerce

                            6.112  Means of Transportation

                            6.113  Individuals on the Street

                   6.12  Private Life

                              6.121  The Private Realm of the Literati

                                     6.1211  The Night Revels of Minister Han Xizai  

            6.2  Painting as a Fine Art

                    6.21 Landscape Painting

                            6.211 Northern Song Landscape Painting

                                    6.2111 Guo Xi's Early Spring

                            6.212 Southern Song Landscape Painting

                            6.213 Yuan Landscape Painting

                    6.22 Court Painting

                            6.221 Paintings with Political Agendas

                            6.222 Bird and Flower Painting

                    6.23 Scholar Painting

                            6.231 Figures and Animals

                            6.232 Bamboo, Plum, and Other Plants

7 Homes

            Further Reading

            7.1  House Architecture

                    7.11  Fengshui

                    7.12  Earth as a Building Material

                    7.13  Roof Tiles

                    7.14  Wooden Framing

                    7.15  Regional Variation

                                7.151  Cave Dwellings

                    7.16  Decorative Elements

            7.2  Interiors

                    7.21  Kang

                    7.22  Beds

                    7.23  Furniture

    8 Gardens

            Further Reading

            8.1  Origins of Garden Design

            8.2  Garden Design

                    8.21  Rocks and Mountains

                    8.22  Water

                    8.23  Buildings

                    8.24  Plants

                                8.241 Paving Patterns

            8.3  The Garden as a Site for Social Activity

            8.4  Aesthetics of the Garden

            8.5  Garden of the Master of Nets

    9 Clothing

            Further Reading

            9.1  Traditional Patterns

                    9.11  Evidence from Paintings

                    9.12  Evidence from Photographs

                            9.121  Men

                            9.122  Women

                    9.13  Making Cloth

                            9.131  Sericulture

            9.2  Twentieth-Century Changes

                    9.21  Adaptations to Western Styles

                            9.211 Qipao

                            9.212  Mao Suits

                            9.213  Western-Style Suits

                    9.22  Eighties and Nineties

                    9.23  Weddings

    10 Graphic Arts

            Further Reading

            10. 1  Commercial Advertisements

                    10.11Calendar Posters

                                10.111 Folk Calendars

                    10.12  Magazine Advertisements

                    10.13  Book Covers

            10.2  Political Propaganda

                    10.21 Woodcuts

                    10.22 PRC under Mao

                                10.221 Leaders and Role Models

                                10.222 Science and Technology

                                10.223  Youth and Education

                                10.224  Cultural Revolution

            10.3  Contemporary Graphic Arts

                        10.31  Four Modernizations Era

                        10.32  Contemporary Advertising