Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center

Need to see the daily calendar of reservations booked by RSOs/organizations? Refer to our reservations calendar.

Also, check out our Facebook event page to see all of Kelly ECC’s current events!

2 Mon
RSO Affiliation
RSO Affiliation
Nov 2 – Nov 3 all-day
RSO Affiliation is an annual process that takes place every fall quarter. RSO’s are required to be affiliated if they would like special access to ECC perks. Student organizations looking to affiliate with the ECC...
General Elections Viewing Party
General Elections Viewing Party
Nov 3 all-day
The ECC will set up a Virtual Viewing Party on the day of the Election results coming out. We will have opportunities for students to interact with each other, giveaways, and various interactive activities. Read...
Let’s Talk: Post Elections support
Let’s Talk: Post Elections support
Nov 3 all-day
Let’s Talk is a program that connects UW students with support from experienced counselors from the Counseling Center without an appointment. Iris Song PsyD and other Counselors will hold drop-in hours via videoconference to provide...
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