Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center

The Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center and Theatre facilities offer a variety of spaces for hourly rental.

Reserving Space

To reserve a space at the Ethnic Cultural Center or Theatre, please familiarize yourself with our reservations process and policies and when you are prepared to reserve a space, please submit a request via our Mazevo platform (University of Washington, Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center-Theatre). For UW users, please make sure to log in using your email for access.

Make a Request

For Non-Campus Users

Please use our form below to request a user for access to our Mazevo platform. Your user request will be reviewed by our Reservations Office. You will receive an email invite to log in to Mazevo when the request has finished being being processed by our team.

Non-Campus User Request

For questions or concerns, please contact the Kelly ECC Reservations Office at or by phone at 206.221.3241.

Reservations Policies

  1. A minimum of two-weeks advance notice is required for all reservations for the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center.
  2. A minimum of three-weeks advance notice is required for all reservations for the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Theatre.
  3. Reservations for the Center and Theatre can be made a maximum of six months in advance. For dates greater than six months in advance, please email the Reservations Office at or call 206.221.3241 or submit a request, instructions shown in the section of Reservation Process, for the space to be placed as a “hold”.  Holds are not confirmations and held dates may be unavailable.
  4. Students or Registered Student Organizations wishing to request a space with less than 2-weeks advance notice must wait until the day of the event and drop-in to the ECC Reservations Office to request a space as a short-notice “Write-In” request. Walk-in Requests are subject to availability and special policies. Food service, events which are open to the public and fundraising are prohibited for walk-in requests.  Short notice requests for the Theatre are not accepted.
  5. Events can not be booked outside of regular Center operating hours due to staffing during the week. Weekend events can be requested via emailing our Reservations Office.
  6. Events are not approved and should not be advertised until the group receives a final confirmation from the Reservations office. All paperwork, payment and other requirements must be fulfilled before an event is finalized and confirmed. Tentative approval or holds are NOT final confirmations. Being on the schedule is not a confirmation.
  7. For Theatre Reservations, a minimum of 1 hour between events is required.
  8. Use of the Ethnic Cultural Center must comply with all University of Washington and Washington Administrative Code (WAC 478-136-030) regulations.
  9. Use of the kitchens for events is subject to approval, and use of the kitchens for food preparation for any event besides personal use or RSO meetings is generally prohibited due to the nature and classification of the kitchens, per the University of Washington Environmental Health and Safety division.
  10. Those making a reservation for an event assumes responsibility for their group and guests, and they shall assume any financial responsibility for excess cleaning and/or repairs resulting from damages should they occur in the facilities during the reserved time.
  11. For weekly Affiliated RSO meetings: (failure to follow these will incur warnings and/or consequences to your RSO’s affiliation status with the Kelly ECC)
    1. You are expected to reset the meeting space to default setup (see event staff for help if you do not know this setup)
    2. You are expected to clean up any mess from your meeting (see front desk if you need garbage bags)
    3. If you are planning to not meet for your scheduled meeting, please call the front desk (206.543.4635) and let them know you plan not to meet with a 24 hours notice.
    4. You are expected to be finished with your meeting and have the room reset and cleaned by the end of your reserved time, late exit will incur penalties.

Reservations Process

  1. Submit a Reservation Request via Mazevo with the details of your event. If any adjustments to your booking are needed, you can change them on Mazevo or contact our Reservations Office at or call 206.221.3241.
    1. How To Submit A Request
      1. Log in to Mazevo with your NetID/user email
      2. Select University of Washington, Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center-Theatre organization
      3. Check the Event Book for room availability
      4. go back to the Main Menu and Add New Request
      5. Follow the prompts
        1. If this is your first time logging into our Mazevo, you will select New User and later will be prompted to enter in your Organization name for us to process and add to the event
  2. The Kelly ECC Reservations Office will respond to your request via email within 7-10 business days.  If you do not receive a response after 5 business days, please contact the Reservations Office to check on your request.  If you do not receive a response, your request has not been processed or approved.  Please check your email for messages from the Kelly ECC Reservations Office.
  3. When your request is processed, you will receive a tentative email approval for your event.  Please follow-up with the Reservations Office via email.
  4. Once your request is tentatively approved, submit all required forms, payment or other details by the provided due-dates. Debit/Credit card payments are done online:
    Please reference your booking details sheet for the event number and total amount due.
  5. When the Kelly ECC Reservations Office has received all required items, you will receive a final confirmation for your event.  Please do not advertise your event until you have received a final confirmation.  If all required items are not submitted, your event may be canceled.
  6. Please read further about our funding source at the Services & Activities Fee Committee website.

* A request is necessary not only to provide you the best suitable space, but also for correct documentation and statistical reporting to our funding source.

* Please note that the Kelly ECC does not advertise your event for you and that staff are often uninformed about any costs for attendance and other general information about your event (i.e. name of performers, types of refreshments, or precise schedule of event.)

Event Rental Agreement

The Event Rental Agreement is an online form, and directions on how to fill it out may be found under the ‘Reminders’ section of your Event Booking Details given by the Kelly ECC Reservations Team.  Please read it thoroughly and sign it electronically to agree to our terms.  The terms and policies below are for your reference:

  1. Billing & Cancellation Policy
    All payments will be processed immediately upon receipt, with the exception of departmental budget numbers, which will be charged after the event has taken place. Should you decide to cancel your reservation with us, please call or email our office as soon as possible. Our cancellation policy is as follows:

    • 14 days + Prior to Event: Full Refund of Rental Charges
    • 13 – 3 days Prior to Event: 50% Refund of Rental Charges
    • 0 – 3 days Prior to Event: All Rental Charges Payable
  2. Itemized Estimate Confirmation 
    The enclosed Event Booking Details Form contains important information about your reservation bookings. Please review this form to ensure that your needs are accurately reflected. Please contact our office if you need to make any changes or corrections. Review your scheduled event time carefully: if you require additional setup or tear down time, this time must be included in your reservation. The final invoice amount may differ from the enclosed cost estimate due to changes involving your rental time, damages or other additional costs.
  3. Making Changes
    When possible, the ECC will try to accommodate changes to your reservation and bookings. No fees are assessed when changes are made to your set up details. Any changes made to extend the duration of your event will be subject to the regular rental fees and adjusted on an “availability-only” basis. Additional rehearsal or setup time will be charged at the regular rental rate and cannot be added to a booking less than 3 weeks in advance.
  4. Request for Use of University Facilities (RUUF)
    Events which are open to the public, ticketed, or held by or in conjunction with an off-campus organization are required to submit a Request for Use of University Facilities form. This form requires approval from a University department Dean, Director, or Chair, the ECC Facilities Coordinator, and the Use of University Facilities Committee. This form takes approximately three weeks to process. To complete the form online, please visit:
  5. Early Arrival & Checking-In
    In order to serve you best, please check in with the ECC front desk on the day of your event. Our friendly staff will open your conference room for you and ensure that your conference room is set up according to your needs. If you and your guests arrive early, our comfortable lounge provides a space to relax. If you wish to gain access to your event space prior to the stated entrance time on your Event Booking Form, the ECC will attempt to accommodate early arrival when possible. Early entrance to the Theatre is limited and is dependent upon the arrival of your scheduled theatre technician(s). Please note that charges will be assessed for early entrance to Conference Rooms or the Theatre.
  6. Food, Catering & Beverages
    If you plan to serve catered food or beverages for an event, an Online Application for Temporary Food Service (ATFS) must be approved by the Environmental, Health & Safety Department two weeks prior to the event. In order to simplify this process for you, we request that you return this form to the ECC a minimum of two weeks prior to your event so that we may submit it to the appropriate department on your behalf.The ATFS form is not needed with: UW Catering (Bay Laurel), prepackaged food items, and take-out/delivery food consumed within ½ hour of preparation. Please notify the ECC if you will be serving these foods. Potlucks and any home-prepared foods are prohibited.
  7. Kitchen Use & Self Prepared Foods
    All kitchen use must be pre-approved by the ECC. Please check your Event Booking Details Form to ensure that a kitchen has been added to your reservation. For more information or to add a kitchen, contact our office at least two weeks prior to your event. Food Handlers Permits: All individuals handling and serving foods for RSO meetings must have a Food Handler’s (Worker) Permit. A copy of this permit must be on file at the ECC at least two weeks before the requested date. For more information about this permit, see the Environmental Health Services section of the website.The ability to serve self-prepared food are very limited. More details may be obtained from the Kelly ECC Reservations team.
    Serving Utensils & Miscellaneous Items: The ECC is unable to provide serving or food preparation utensils or catering.
  8. Alcoholic Beverages
    If an organization wishes to serve alcoholic beverages, please review the necessary policies under the Office of the Provost Special Programs guidelines. Depending on your event, please adhere to the approval process related to your event.  The UW form and more details may be found here: ECC is a student-oriented facility and students are present during all hours of operation. Adequate measures— including an approved security/ID checker, bracelets, etc—must be taken in order to ensure that no minors will have access to alcoholic beverages. These options must be discussed and approved with the ECC reservations office prior to the event. Any violation of Washington State law or ECC policy will result in an immediate closure of your event and appropriate authorities will be notified.
  9. Commercial Sales/Fundraising Activities
    All commercial sales or fundraising activities must be approved by the ECC. All Registered Student Organizations (RSO) must complete a Fundraising Permit in order to fundraise at the ECC. This permit can be acquired at the Student Activities Office.
  10. Decorations & Banners
    The use of masking/painters tape is allowed on the walls (with the exception of the murals), ceilings, and door frames. No tape, adhesive, glue, or tacks are allowed on ECC murals or curtains. Use of duct and gaffers tape, glue, tacks, or other adhesive is not allowed unless authorized consent is given. Items attached in this manner without consent will be removed and the group will be charged a $10.00 fee. If the murals, furniture, walls or any other fixtures are damaged due to decorations, the group will be liable for damages. These damages will be assessed by UW Facility Services.
  11. Set-Up & Clean-Up
    RSOs are responsible for the set-up and clean-up of meeting room spaces. Cultural Meeting rooms will be set up in a default furniture setting when you arrive. The room should be returned to this setting before you leave. If you wish to change the configuration of the room, you will be responsible for doing so. If you need additional chairs or tables or assistance with setting up these items, please inquire at the front desk.
    As a courtesy to those that are in the space after you, please wipe down the tables before you leave with the paper towel and Simple Green spray bottles provided. RSO reservations in premium spaces and all other groups will be assessed set-up & clean-up fees as needed.
  12. Safety Walkabout
    Under some circumstances, coordinators must undergo a Safety Walkabout prior to the event date. This walkabout demonstrates evacuation and fire extinguisher procedures in case of an emergency and is required for use of ECC kitchens and certain performance events. To check if a Safety Walkabout is required for your event, please check your Event Booking Details Form.
  13. Open Flame/Smoke
    The Ethnic Cultural Center enjoys hosting a variety of cultural celebrations and ceremonies. Many of these events may involve the burning of candles, incense, and herbs. A special permit may be required for some of these items, please contact the ECC for more information. Approval of flame and smoke related events are subject to approval by the ECC. If approved, additional fees will apply. The use of fog, smoke or “hazer” machines is strictly prohibited in conference spaces. Any offending party will be charged a flat fee of $75.00 and for any damages caused by the use of this equipment.
  14. Parking
    Guests who require parking must make arrangements with University of Washington Parking Services. There is limited street and metered parking near the ECC. Parking is not guaranteed and the ECC is not responsible for violations. More information about parking at the UW Seattle Campus may be found here:
  15. Special Accommodation
    If your event requires special accommodation, please notify the ECC Reservations Office and contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450 or at least ten days prior to the event.
  16. Force Majeure
    The University of Washington and the Ethnic Cultural Center will not be liable for failure to perform an obligation here under when performance of such obligation is rendered impossible due to damage or destruction of the facility, order or regulations of public authorities, labor dispute, civil tumult, epidemic, natural disaster/hazard, or any cause which both was beyond the control of and is not remediable by the party seeking to exercise this provision.
  17. Indemnification
    The user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the University of Washington, its Regents, Officers, Agents and Employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising from or as a result of use or occupancy of the ECC facilities by the User and User’s Agents or Employees, provided that such claims, demands, losses, liabilities, costs, or expenses are due or are claimed to be due to the negligent acts or omissions of User and Users Agents or Employees.The University of Washington agrees to indemnify and hold harmless User, User’s Offices, Agents, and Employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, costs, or expenses against the User, for property damages or personal injuries due or claimed to be due to the negligent acts or omissions of the University of Washington, its Regents, Officers, Agents, or Employees.

When you electronically fill out the Event Rental Agreement online, you agree to the terms stated above.

RSO Free Weekly Meeting Spaces Policies

RSO Free Weekly Meeting Spaces Policies

    1. ECC Affiliated RSOs can receive up to 2 hours of free weekly meeting space in the following rooms: Native, Chicano, Asian, Black, and Pacific Islander Room (no A/V)
      • Other spaces are available for usage for weekly meeting spaces with charges: Unity Rooms, Unity Suite, Performing Arts Studio, Theatre, and Native/Chicano Suite
      • Non-affiliated ECC RSOs may request weekly meeting spaces based on availability, and charges may apply
    2. RSOs can only utilize the space during their reservation time. Access to the meeting space will begin at the time of reservation. ECC staff cannot guarantee early access to the space, as other clients may be using it, or it is still being set up by ECC staff.
      • RSOs must check in at the front desk to confirm attendance for room reservations. Failure to do so may result in documentation warnings
    3. RSOs will receive the default room setup for weekly meeting space. You may move ECC furniture around the room; however, no ECC furniture is permitted outside the space. Special setups and/or additional accommodations can be arranged and will incur additional charges
    4. You are expected to finish your meeting and have the room reset and cleaned by the end of your reserved time; late exit will incur penalties. There are photocopies of how the room should be set back, and you can ask ECC student staff at the front desk if you are unsure how to put the room back
    5. If you plan to serve food at your weekly meeting, follow Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) guidelines and receive an approved permit (if applicable) before your scheduled meeting.
      • If you are expecting a large amount of trash, do not overflow the trashcans located in public spaces in the building. Please ask the front desk staff for garbage bags and assistance on where to dispose of your trash properly
  • If you are planning not to meet for your scheduled meeting, please call the front desk (206.543.4635) and let them know you plan not to meet at least 24 hours in advance.
  1. Non-affiliated University of Washington guests are not permitted to attend weekly meeting spaces unless a Use of University Facilities Request (UUF) form has been approved and received from the Student Activities Office. If non-affiliated University of Washington guest(s) are leading/speaking, a UUF form is not needed.
  2. Charging fees for entry to your RSO weekly meeting space or any other fundraiser during your RSO weekly meeting is prohibited unless a fundraising permit from the Student Activities Office has been approved and received before your room reservation.
  3. If your weekly meeting requires additional permits (e.g., UUF, Fundraising, and EH&S) and you fail to complete and provide the approved documents, your RSO will be subjected to a cancellation of your reservation, documented warnings, and additional fees may be applied.
  4. RSOs may check out equipment and items from the leadership lab at the front desk. Items, based on availability, include a microphone, speaker, vacuum, extension cords, HDMI/Adapter, and Clicker. All items can only be checked out if used in the ECC.

Reservation FAQ

Common RSO FAQ for ECC Reservation spaces event usage

  • Can the ECC hang up my posters/flyers/signs for my event to help me advertise?
    • Yes, please bring printed copies of your flyers/posters/signs to the front desk. ECC staff will place them on our community bulletin boards in the lobby. Any signage not approved by ECC staff will be taken down.
  • Can I put up any signs/posters for my event?
    • Yes, you can only use painter’s tape to hang on walls or place on floors. For bulletin boards, you can use thumbtacks. Nails, screws, tacks, staples, or any other form of tape outside of painter’s tape, unless previously stated or pre-approved by ECC staff, are not permitted on any building surfaces. You will be subjected to additional charges if there is damage after your event.
    • Signs/posters must not block or limit access to doors, fire extinguishers, emergency signage, or fire alarm manual pull stations
  • How do I pay for my room reservation?
  • Can I table or host a food/clothing/supply donation drive in the ECC?
    • Yes, RSOs may table in the atrium/lobby area of the ECC building or host a donation drive. Email to inquire at least 2 weeks in advance. RSOs are responsible for providing their own supplies. ECC will only provide 1 table and 2 chairs for tabling. Please note that charges may be included if you need additional supplies. Be sure to include the following information in your email: 
      • Dates/times of when you’d like to table or host a donation drive
      • For tabling: 
        • Information about what you’re sharing during tabling
        • Where in the lobby/atrium area you’d like to table
        • Spaces are limited to 2 tabling events at a time
      • For hosting a donation drive:
        • List of items you’re hoping for people to donate
        • How often members of your RSO will check in on the supply donation box/bin
  • Do I need to check in with the front desk to my room?
    • Yes, failure to do so will verify that the room is not being in use, which will result in documented warnings
  • Can I utilize the kitchen for my event?
    • The kitchen is available for priority use only for a Unity Suite event. It is a prep kitchen, and usage must be provided with an approved Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) permit.
  • How do I get disability accommodations for my event?
    • For specific disability accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office to make arrangements and coordinate efforts with the ECC
  • Where can my guests park for my event?
    • The closest parking lots for the ECC building and Theatre space are W12 and W10. All parking inquiries must be directed to Transporation Services
  • Can I store food and/or supplies for my ECC event?
    • Typically, the ECC does not store any food or supply items before or after your event. Priority is given based on reservations utilizing the kitchen.

If you still have questions, please reach out to our reservations team via email at