Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center

Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center Logo

OMAD & ECC Combined JPEG Logo

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Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity Logo


Downloadable OMAD Logos





The Services and Activities Fee (SAF) Logo


Downloadable SAF Logo


Disability Statement

The University of Washington is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity employer. As such the University is required by federal and state laws and University Administrative Policy Statement 46.4 to announce equal opportunity and reasonable accommodations policies on all publications and notices including announcements of events open to the public, employees and students.


Events Open to the Public, Employees, or Students

“The University of Washington is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance at: 206.543.6450/V, 206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264 (FAX), or e-mail at”

Invitations or Announcements to a limited group (known invitees)

“To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance at: 206.543.6450/V, 206.543.6452/TTY, 206.685.7264 (FAX), or”

UW Bias Incident Reporting Tool

Downloadable Bias Incident Reporting Tool Poster

BIAC Poster