Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center

May 8, 2020

Be The Match Trivia & Gift Card Giveaway

May 15, 2020 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Online through Zoom
Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center
Be The Match is the world’s largest and most diverse marrow and stem cell donor registry, and facilitates all the transplants needed in the United States. Right now, they need as many people, especially people from multicultural backgrounds, to register so that patients in need can hold out hope of finding the genetically matched donor that will save their life. Patients match to donors that share their same genetic markers which is heavily influenced by one’s heritage, therefore patients and donors when matching often share the same ethnicity. Currently there are the odds for patients in finding their perfectly matched donor, obviously there is a huge disparity patients of color face, and the only way we can even these odds is by recruiting more donors from diverse backgrounds.
ECC is partnering with Be The Match on a digital campaign to recruit stem cell donors for the transplant donor registry and save those with blood disorders
Be The Match and the ECC will be giving away a $25 Visa gift card Friday, May 15th at 3:30pm in a zoom webinar for the winner of Be The Match/ ECC Trivia! All you have to do is attend!Zoom link:

Additionally, if you do any of the following tasks, you will be entered into a drawing for a Visa Gift Card!
1. Joining the registry – send a screenshot to ECC instagram.
2. Post on social media – tagging UW ECC + Be The Match
3. ‘Refer a Friend’ – if you recruit your friends, you and your friends will get another entry- must send screenshots to the ECC instagram.
4. Participate in live events like trivia!

Thank you for joining in on our campaign to save lives during these uncertain times. We have the power to act and provide life-saving solutions. Together.
We hope to see you there!
ECC Health & Wellness Team