Gary L. Ferguson, ND

Director, Outreach & Engagement, Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health, WSU
Research Associate Professor, Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health, WSU
Collaborator, ADRC Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement Core

Teams: Collaborators

Gary Ferguson (Aleut/Unangax) is a Qagan Tayagungin tribal member and licensed Naturopathic Doctor. He serves as Director of Outreach & Engagement, Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health (IREACH) at Washington State University. Dr. Ferguson has spent twenty years working across Alaska to address the social, economic, cultural and environmental factors that contribute to the health and well-being of Alaskans. His past positions include providing clinical services to his home region at Eastern Aleutian Tribes and serving as a Director at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and CEO of the Rural Alaska Community Action Program.

The ADRC welcomes his collaboration with the ADRC Outreach, Recruitment & Engagement Core, where he adds his expertise to our efforts in outreach to American Indian and Alaska Native communities, in partnership with IREACH’s Partnerships for Native Health.

Dr. Gary Ferguson is featured in the ADRC Indigenous Aging Brain Health Series: Meet Dr. Gary Ferguson: “Lifelong Learner, Wounded Healer” A Conversation on Traditional Foods, Ways of Healing, and Indigenous Elder Wisdom