News from January 2018

January 17, 2018

‘Matter of Fact’: A Poem by Dr. Ron Louie

In the current issue of Neurology, read a poem about witnessing a life-changing diagnosis of brain disease and the "beauty of humane consciousness".

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Categories: Care & Treatment , Art, Dementia-Friendly Community

January 05, 2018

Transforming Dementia Care and Planning

Barak Gaster, MD, has spent 20 years developing meaningful solutions for prevalent and difficult issues in primary care. Now he is preparing family physicians to better identify signs of cognitive decline, fully engage in dementia care, and help everyone plan for future medical decisions.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment

January 03, 2018

New imaging method to help untangle role of tau in brain diseases

With a newly available brain imaging technique, UW researchers of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and FTD, will be able to embark on several new projects.

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Categories: Science Updates