News from March 2024

March 29, 2024

Top 3 Action Items from Recent Dementia Friends Information Sessions

Dementia Friends is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. “I feel less intimidated and more informed,” shared a new Dementia Friend. Our free Information Sessions, led by volunteers, or “Champions”, share information about dementia, key messages to know, and important communication tips.

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Categories: Community Stories, Resources, Dementia Friends, Dementia-Friendly Community

March 27, 2024

Community Partnership: Update from the ADRC Native Research and Resource Core

"The purpose of the NRRC is to increase access to research and resources for Native communities, as they rightfully deserve to be included in these conversations about health and public health,” says Breanna Jones (Cherokee and Seminole Ancestry) Research Study Supervisor, WSU IREACH and ADRC

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Categories: Team Spotlights, ADRC Indigenous Aging Brain Health Series