Dr. Thomas Grabowski, ADRC Director, testifies at a Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing to voice his support of increased NIH research funding
The Administrative Core provides leadership and expert support to ensure that the University of Washington Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center is successful in pursuing its vision of precision medicine for Alzheimer’s disease.
We aims to build a research infrastructure, promote discovery, share with the community of physicians and scientists dedicated to developing solutions for AD, and propel advancement through commitment, collaboration, and synergy with the national ADC Program. We do the important behind-the-scenes work that enables researchers to concentrate on science—things like organizing meetings; recruiting new faculty; awarding pilot grants to promising researchers; providing expert grant management, fiscal support, and regulatory oversight; and facilitating collaborations between the Cores, Projects, and other national and international research efforts.
The Administrative Core organizes administrative and scientific meetings, in order to facilitate our vision of precision medicine for Alzheimer's disease. The monthly seminar, ADRC Seminar Series offers a forum for investigators from across the School of Medicine, University of Washington, and partner organizations to discuss research projects that align with the UW ADRC’s theme of precision medicine for Alzheimer's disease. The focus of each meeting is on identifying, describing, and detecting pathophysiologic heterogeneity in Alzheimer's disease and related degenerative diseases, with an eye towards defining rationale and targets for treatment and enhancing the innovation and impact of our work going forward.
The UW ADRC leads the AD Genetics Consortium and AD Sequencing Project and maintains close collaboration with the Pacific Udall Center.