UW Medicine
Who we are
The UW Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) is part of a nationwide network of research centers funded by the National Institute on Aging to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. We are exploring innovative approaches to diagnosis, treatment, and disease prevention by partnering with people who have normal memory and thinking and those who have memory concerns or are living with dementia.
In order to learn more about diseases that cause memory loss and dementia, we are looking for volunteers from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and ages who are willing to participate in research. It is important to study a diverse group of people so that the information we learn will benefit everyone.
Who we are seeking
The UW ADRC is interested in partnering with:
- People from underrepresented groups, such as African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians and Alaskan Natives.
- People diagnosed with memory and thinking (cognitive) changes by their medical provider, especially a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment
- We are also interested in partnering with people from any ethnic background who are 85 years or older and who do not have concerns about their memory or thinking.
What to expect at a UW ADRC Clinical Core research visit
This study involves a yearly visit during which volunteers complete tests of their memory and thinking, have a brief physical and neurological examination, and answer questions about their medical history, memory, mood, and ability to perform daily activities. Volunteers must also have a study partner who knows them well and would notice changes in their memory, mood or ability to perform daily activities.
We may also ask some volunteers for a blood or cerebral spinal fluid sample in order to learn more about how our bodies change in response to normal aging and dementia.
To learn more about participating, contact: UW ADRC at 206-616-3973, uwadrc@uw.edu