A Discussion about Diet and Brain Health Research with Dr. Angela Hanson, MD

October 08, 2021

Science Updates, Care & Treatment , News

Enjoy the newest edition of the UW ADRC 'Brain Bytes' multimedia series! We interview geriatric physician and researcher Angela Hanson, MD, about her work on diet, brain health, and genetic risk. She explains three currently enrolling studies at the UW ADRC: The Meal and Memory Study, the Lipid MRI Study, and the Metformin and Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Study. These efforts are made possible by our generous research participants.



Interview questions (Timestamped)

Intro 0:01

What got you interested in studying the link between diets, the APOE4 risk gene, and brain health? 1:02

What is the Meal and Memory Study? 3:08

While you don't have the final results yet, can you tell us about some preliminary findings of the Meal and Memory Study? 3:43

What do these results mean for your hypothesis about high fat diets and APOE4 risk gene carriers? 5:07

What do these findings mean for people who carry an APOE4 gene allele? Should they ear high fat diets? 6:14

Where did the Meal and Memory Study lead you next? 6:57 How are you investigating the effect of dietary fat on brain blood flow? 7:40

Will participants in the Lipid MRI Study learn anything about their health? 9:23

Can you tell us about the Metformin in Alzheimer's Prevention Study that is currently enrolling? 10:13

Metformin is a drug for diabetes that lowers your blood sugar levels by improving the way your body handles insulin. Why is it being tested in Alzheimer's disease? 10:40

What is the current recommended brain healthy diet? 12:25

Should people take fish oil for their brain health? 12:52

Any parting words for our research participants? 13:45


This Brain Byte features several enrolling research studies:

Lipid MRI Study 

Meal and Memory Study

MAP-Metformin Study


We want to hear from you! SURVEY

The UW ADRC 'Brain Byte' multimedia series will present the ADRC research findings on brain health and Alzheimer's disease and related conditions. All topics are chosen based on feedback from you. Help us create future Brain Bytes by taking the survey.

More Resources: Visit our 'Discoveries Made By You' webpage to explore findings emerging from recent studies using data from participants in the UW ADRC clinical studies and Adult Changes in Thought Study. Highlighted studies will change over time. These publications were made possible in part by funding from the National Institute on Aging.

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