Top 3 Action Items from Recent Dementia Friends Information Sessions

March 29, 2024

Community Stories, Resources, News, Dementia Friends, Dementia-Friendly Community

Dementia Friends is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. “I feel less intimidated and more informed,” shared one new Dementia Friend after a session. Our free Information Sessions, led by volunteers, or “Champions”, share information about dementia, key messages to know, and important communication tips. “I wish I had known this information when my dad was diagnosed, especially the communication tips. I’d love to share this information with members of my church,” shared another new Dementia Friend.

At the end of every Information Session, participants are asked to select an action item (or multiple action items) they’d like to take using the understanding they’ve acquired during the session. These action items can be small or big.

The top 3 action items participants selected at recent sessions include:

“Carrying out a personal action, e.g. being more patient when out in my community” (55%)

One participant shared that they “will help friends and family as they show symptoms of dementia.”

“Supporting dementia friendly efforts in my community” (51%)

Not sure where to start? Reach out to your local Dementia Friends Regional Coordinator here, Area Agency on Aging, Momentia group, Dementia Friendly Community lead, or other organization to discover efforts happening in your community.

 “Adopting one or more dementia-friendly practices in my personal or professional life” (45%). 

Dementia Friendly America has sector guides available for free on their website that share ideas for making dementia friendly spaces, including everything from faith communities to businesses!

Other action items selected by participants included “getting in touch and staying in touch with someone living with dementia” (44%), “volunteering for an organization or clinical trials” (17%), “campaigning for change” (14%), “asking for a cognitive assessment at a doctor’s visit” (21%), and “encouraging others to become Dementia Friends” (34%).

A recent Alzheimer’s Impact Movement report shared 2024 Washington Alzheimer’s statistics. About 10.2% of Adults over 65 are living with Alzheimer’s (126,700 individuals in WA). An estimated 247,000 caregivers are giving 378,000,000 hours of unpaid care. These numbers are projected to continue to increase.

Every single action counts! Dementia Friends can help to create and sustain dementia friendly communities and support the growing number people living with dementia and their caregivers.

Join the Dementia Friends movement today: Check out our upcoming April 2024 Dementia Friends Infromation Sessions. Can’t find a session in your area? Contact


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