Author Archives: Tessa Schultz Yip

Discourse on Climate Change and the Future

I don’t disagree that there’s a problem with the way we talk about climate change, but I do think the problem is practically the exact opposite of what David Roberts discusses in his Vox article about climate change and millennia. Throughout my time in the Program on the Environment, I have found that the “mainstream” doesn’t stress enough that climate… Read more »

Studying Abroad in Denmark & the Refugee Crisis

1/13/16 Studying abroad in Denmark put me so close to the Syrian refugee crisis. In Denmark, it was hard to miss. Denmark is a highly homogenous country; it’s incomparable to the United States. People in Denmark easily notice an influx of people who look different than they do. I find the Danish relationship to “others” to be incredibly fascinating. Denmark’s… Read more »

My Own Contemplative Practices: “Check-Ins”

1/22/16 For years, my mom has tried to make meditation a habit in my life. I’ve tried it a number of times, and each time I’m just as frustrated as the time before. People say you learn how to meditate and it takes practice, so it’s possible that I just haven’t practiced enough. I think I’ve found that the attempt… Read more »