This is very personal for me to share, and I hope that you find it thought-provoking or are able to relate in some way. I feel guilt because I know not of what it is like to have eat the packaging of a product because my neighbors are unable to purchase my mothers threads. I know not of the taste… Read more »
I just recently saw an amazing article on Facebook. It turned out to be a little dated but I found the info still very relevant. While this article was about a year old, the man is undoubtedly still working on the bike. It talks of a man that has created a motorcycle that can run on a single liter of… Read more » Bhutan instituted Gross National Happiness as its measure of societal progress in the 1970s. GNH is assessed by nine factors that contribute to happiness; psychological well-being, physical health, work-life balance, community vitality and social connection, education, cultural preservation, access and diversity, environmental sustainability, good governance, and material well-being. I think this is a fantastic example of the kind… Read more »
March 5 Today I went to the waste disposal station with my grandfather. This seemed so counter-productive to what we have been studying all quarter. There were a few things that it brought to mind while I was there. I did notice there were different recycle bind for the specific things. There was a scrap metal bin and a wood… Read more »
I have been thinking recently about the idea of capitalism and whether or not it is compatible with the Anthropocene. The economic systems of capitalism have been to blame for most of our current environmental struggles because of the waste it produces. The current notion of capitalism and its definition of progress is a formula which extracts natural resources, refines… Read more »
The Night in the Anthropocene Action Project group would like to thank David Ingram of the Seattle Astronomical Society and the International Dark Sky Association for making our Action Project possible. Due to weather complications traditional Dark Sky SAS events were cancelled. However, Dave offered a solution. Simulated night sky experience in the UW Planetarium. Using planetarium equipment, Dave was… Read more »
The reading for class today by David Loy discussed Weber’s arguments about religion and capitalism. Weber claims that economic success became a “demonstration of God’s favor” making god’s blessing and salvation the motivation for surplus and economic success. But as god has become more distant, the original motivation for economic success has fallen away while the universal striving for success… Read more »
Growing up, my mother always said “Everything you do has a consequence. Every decision you make and everything you say will change your future. Live carefully.” I resent this statement. 1. Because it is a frightening thing to tell a young child. Although it may encourage responsibility and could be empowering, it also tells the child that their individual behavior will… Read more »
I mean, their bananas are great (finally, something a college student can afford!). And their commercials influence me to visualize a tropical paradise complete with a hammock every time I peel one of their bananas with a Monsanto sticker clumsily attached to the side. What more is there to love from a company that produces healthy, affordable food that tastes like… Read more »