Just as over the past century we have seen global acts of humanitarian interventions extend its reach to the protection of all innocent civilians against atrocities – shifting the value of life from the exclusive protection of civilians of western hegemon to people of all culture, race, and creed – Jeremy Rifkin, author of Empathic Civilizations, takes this progression one… Read more »
I often find that when I need a break, what I’m really needing is being outdoors. Which for me serves as a break from the stress and routine of a collegiate life. A friend told me recently, “You should do your homework on your front porch!”, as if the ability to just breathe “fresh air” is that easily achieved. However, I… Read more »
The Night in the Anthropocene Action Project group would like to thank David Ingram of the Seattle Astronomical Society and the International Dark Sky Association for making our Action Project possible. Due to weather complications traditional Dark Sky SAS events were cancelled. However, Dave offered a solution. Simulated night sky experience in the UW Planetarium. Using planetarium equipment, Dave was… Read more »
I have found that through participating in contemplative practices, whether they be going for a run when I’m upset about something, or sitting in my thoughts to center myself (even if that’s centering myself in being okay with not being centered). I have become more conscious of my immediate physical reactions. It’s kind of wild how our bodies react to… Read more »