Author Archives: Yusuf Shueib Ali-Halana

Reflecting on “Reducetarianism”

3/9/16 As I was looking over TED Talks videos I might find interesting, I came across one with the title “Why I’m a weekday vegetarian”. Becoming a weekday vegetarian is self explanatory, and also serves as a compromise between becoming a vegetarian but not giving up meat as well. Once I read that, I was immediately reminded of the action group focused on the… Read more »

Agency of Assemblage/Contemplative Practice

I really found this entry to be interesting to reflect on, and I wanted to share it with everyone! 3/4/16 Looking over my notes for Vibrant Matter, I took special interest in what I found interesting in Chapter 2. Within the first couple of pages, Spinoza makes the says that “the power of a body to affect other bodies includes a… Read more »

Contemplative Practice: Thinking about Materialism and Agency

I really liked this particular submission, and if you could give it a read over and comment on anything that strikes your fancy, that’d be great! 2/6/16 I’ve found that as time goes, I have an easier time reflecting on the concepts learned in class to my contemplative practices. I attribute this primarily to holding my practices in the outdoors,… Read more »