Sick Policy

To ensure the health of all children, families, and clinicians, please read the following guidelines for making decisions as to whether it is appropriate to bring your child to clinical appointments at the UW Autism Center. 

The 24-hour test

Appointments should be canceled, and a child should stay home for 24 hours to rest if the following symptoms are present the morning of the appointment at UWAC or the previous night:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Fever >100 degrees
  • Itchy or reddened eyes with drainage
  • An unusual rash
  • A poor night’s sleep due to illness, cough, etc.

You will not be charged a cancellation fee for cancelling in such cases.

Please note:

  • Child should be fever-free for 24 hours prior to appointment.
  • Child should be free of vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours before resuming therapy.
  • Child with thick or constant nasal discharge should not have therapy.
  • Child diagnosed with strep throat/scarlet fever should not have therapy for the first 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
  • Child diagnosed with conjunctivitis may have therapy after 24 hours of treatment.