UWAC AAC Evaluations!

What is AAC?: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) are tools and services offered to individuals with significant expressive language challenges to provide temporary or permanent communication support.

Common examples:

  • Gestures and manual sign language (i.e. ASL)
  • Picture communication cards, boards, and books
  • Speech generating devices with communication software and spoken voice (i.e. tablet)

What UWAC is offering:

  • One 2-hour initial evaluation to determine what AAC supports are the most appropriate for an individual’s communication needs.
  • Caregiver training scheduled after evaluation
  • Offered to anyone between 2-18 years old with an ASD diagnosis.

For more information: Contact Kate Granath (uwacpsy@uw.edu, 206-543-4255) OR Go to our UWAC AAC page.