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Archive | Issue 6: 2020

Processing, feelings, and thoughts

I have not been able to fully reflect and debrief on my study abroad experience. Here is a glimpse of some of my journal entries. These journal entries describe my thoughts and feelings while visiting Cape Coast Castle and the Atlantic Ocean. I try to process what it was like to visit Cape Coast Castle and […]

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Presenting Identities

The natural characteristics we are born possessing and the labels with which we choose to associate mash together in a personalized way to create our identities. The intersections between these identity labels provide the multidimensional foundation of our beings. In different circumstances and with different people, specific intangible components of us will move to the […]

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Part 2: Vacillations

We venture abroad to learn about the world and ourselves, but often what we find is greater uncertainty and states of in-betweenness. Presenting Identities by Nikki HoganProcessing, feelings, and thoughts by Rosalva SantiagoIndulgence by Tristan SorensonReconstructed Truths by Kitty TruongComplexities of Consciousness by Elli Vegdahl-CrowellLight, Shadow, then the Color by Yuyang Zhang CHID Study AbroadThe […]

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Study Away Amidst the Climate Crisis

When I returned from a study abroad program in Peru, studying African and Indigenous resistance to colonialism through arts and culture within a Peruvian context, in the summer of 2019, people kept asking me about my trip. “Was it incredible?!” they asked. My response has been, “I wouldn’t use that word to describe it.” Formative, […]

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이촌 Station 3-1

Taking the public transportation in Seoul was one of my favorite things to do. I find that despite its inconveniences, the different types of public transportation have their own specific magic. The inner-city buses, the inter-city buses, the different types of metros, subway and commuter rail systems all have their own feel and nuances. My […]

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딸기 우유

I am a nervous person. I worry a lot and get easily stressed out and anxious, especially on my own and in unfamiliar settings. Traveling alone for the first time internationally, to a completely different continent I had never been to before, and who’s language I am not fluent in, definitely exacerbated those tendencies. However, […]

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Terminal 1/2

With anxiety induced adrenaline still coursing through my body after having made it passed immigration, my next step was getting to my hotel. Nervously, I made my way in the general direction of the terminal entrances and pulled out my phone to dial the pre-saved hotel number in it. I looked out the windows into […]

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Moments in Transience

Whenever we’re in motion from one place to another, from point A to point B, we are also somewhere entirely both dependent and independent of those destinations. There is never a time in which we are nowhere; we can never truly be removed from our environment, no matter if we are merely passing through or […]

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This video is titled “Sketching,” and it is constructed entirely out of still images of my sketchbook from Bangalore, India. Drawing allowed me to experience a particular kind of mobility while I was in that in that city: the ability to cross social (as well as cultural and linguistic) differences. My study abroad program had […]

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