Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center

#ECCVote2020 Campaign

The goal of our #ECCVote2020 campaign is to encourage students to be civically engaged and participate in the 2020 elections and to also increase voter turnout. 

Visit our Instagram @uw_ecc Civic Engagement highlight or our Twitter @uw_ecc #ECCVote2020 for our education pieces 

ECC Voter Toolkit

The purpose of the toolkit is to provide an outline for those interested in starting their own civic campaign for the 2020 General Election with the ECC. Within this toolkit, you will find examples of what an election campaign may look like and the ECC’s Civic Engagement Team’s own 2020 General Election Campaign timeline! You will also find additional information that will help with building your campaign tools, student engagement, and more.



General Election Toolkit

My Vote Matters 

Important Post-Election Dates

Important Post-Election Dates: December 8th is the Safe Harbor Deadline (Deadline to receive disputes concerning concerning the appointment of electors). December 14th is Electoral Meetings (Electors meet in their respective states on the same day to cast their votes). December 23rd is the Deadline Receipt of Electoral Certificates (If congress has not yet received a state's certificate of electoral votes by this date, the President of the Senate or the Archivist must request it from the secretary of state). January 6th is the Joint Session of Congress (Congress opens certificates and counts electoral votes in a special joint session). January 20th is Inauguration Day (The current presidential term ends at noon on January 20th). Source:


For more information contact with the subject line “civic engagement.”

Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook! @uw_ecc