News from May 2019

May 23, 2019

Highlights of the MODEL-AD Symposium: TDP-43, Resilience, Stem Cells, Protective Genes and More

ADRC talks spanned human cell models of sporadic Alzheimer's disease, protective genes against dementia, human resilience, machine learning, and the newly recognized role of TDP-43 protein in dementia in older adults.

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Categories: Science Updates

May 21, 2019

Featured Publications of Spring 2019

Read about current research findings from the UW Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, spanning subjects in neurology, precision medicine, genetic risk, and vascular brain health.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment

May 20, 2019

Bridging the Gaps in Asian American Dementia Care

Researchers explore the complex challenges facing Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in accessing and using dementia healthcare services.

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Categories: Science Updates, Care & Treatment